Blockchain technology initiated a new iteration of the internet by moving from Web2 platforms into the much more interactive Web3 era. The internet has gone through dramatic changes during the last few years. It’s getting better, faster, and more user-friendly, thanks to blockchain solutions. Instead of relying on centralized platforms and tools, developers have decentralized programming solutions at their fingertips. Web3 is opening new, unexplored, and highly innovative development sectors such as decentralized finance (DeFi), NFTs, asset management, and more. However, many developers are stuck, and, in many cases, they don’t know how to transition to Web3. The easiest way to do so is to take a Web3 developer course.

To truly understand how Web3 works and how you can benefit from it, you need access to world-class Web3 education. Moralis Academy is your best source for all things Web3 and your go-to educational hub for Web3 developer courses. Stay with us through this article and learn why you should take a Moralis Web3 developer course. As we progress, you’ll see how Web3 transforms businesses and how developers can benefit from creating dapps. Furthermore, we’ll find out exactly how you can benefit from a Web3 developer course and which courses Moralis offers in this segment.

If you’re new to the world of Web3, crypto, and blockchain technology, Moralis Academy’s Blockchain and Bitcoin 101 course is precisely what you need. Kickstart your journey through the world of crypto by taking this course with helpful information about blockchain technology and Web3. 

The Key Characteristics of Web3

The first thing we need to do is find out what Web3 is. It’s fully decentralized, focused on user privacy, and ownership secured through encryption and based on blockchain technology. The internet has gone far from being a read-only communication channel with static web pages. In the Web3 era, users are finally the owners of their data and assets.

Decentralization and Web3

Web3 is entirely based on blockchain technology and built on top of the existing internet infrastructure. Further, big data companies and centralized entities have no say in Web3. That’s because developers of Web3-enabled dapps (decentralized applications) such as crypto wallets, DeFi protocols, and NFT marketplaces use blockchains. Most blockchains are decentralized networks that operate with the help of cryptography and rely on autonomous network nodes. Blockchains aren’t controlled by centralized authorities but by the users who run the nodes themselves.

Many Web3 blockchain platforms are subject to community governance models. The users themselves decide in which direction Web3 projects are heading. The developers are the ones that implement the decisions voted on by the community. This type of decentralized operational mechanism is unimaginable by traditional web platforms owned by private companies.

Complete Asset Ownership and Privacy

Web3 enables users to have exclusive ownership over their assets, which is the opposite of assets stored using legacy financial systems. For example, when you store money in a bank account, the bank acts as the custodian of your assets. You aren’t in control of your funds because you store them with a centralized institution controlling your account. However, Web3 brings ownership to the everyday user by introducing crypto wallets for storing digital assets such as crypto or NFTs. In Web3, users get to control their money with decentralized, non-custodial Web3 wallets that hold assets in public blockchain addresses. Private companies develop crypto wallets, but the private keys to your assets are yours exclusively and are always on your device. Only users themselves can access their assets or data in Web3.

Also, Web3 brings unprecedented user privacy because users don’t need to connect crypto wallets to sensitive personal information. Web3 dapps, such as decentralized crypto exchanges (DEX) or DeFi protocols, never ask for your name or other details. Unlike banks which require extensive paperwork to open a bank account.

Moreover, Web3 wallets only require adequate private keys to manage your assets. This way, Web3 gives users back their privacy which TradFi institutions and governments chronically infringe. Additionally, all dapps use smart contracts to operate. These contracts are trustless self-executing pieces of computer code responsible for keeping dapps operational.

Web3 Developer Course

For more about blockchain technology and various tutorials, check the blockchain guides section at Moralis Academy.

Web3 Interoperability

Web3 bases operations on cryptography and blockchain technology. Developers are trying to bridge the gap between different blockchains by creating platforms with high levels of interoperability and interconnectivity. Many popular Web3 crypto wallets and DeFi platforms are compatible with multiple blockchains. Despite many differences between blockchains, Web3 provides far more interconnectivity than TradFi institutions.

For example, banks have closed, centralized networks that aren’t compatible with each other. However, when it comes to crypto, you can easily convert one currency to another and shift assets between crypto wallets. 

Web3 Developer Course

If you’re curious to find out more about Web3 and learn all the details about its advantages, be sure to check out Moralis Academy’s Web3 ebooks. There’s no better way to learn all the key characteristics of Web3!

From Web1 to Web3

Web3 is the internet’s most advanced version, but let’s look at how we got here. During the early days of the internet in the Web1 era, it was a read-only content channel. You could browse web pages created by developers and various companies. In Web1, all content on web pages was pre-generated by web page owners. Users could only consume the content already available on existing pages. Also, they couldn’t participate in the content creation process.

The next step in the evolution of the internet was the Web2 era. Web2’s inception was during the 2000s, with companies shifting focus towards interactive web platforms. Web2 platforms are two-way communication channels focused on users and their interaction with other users. Furthermore, these platforms focused on user-generated content. For the first time, users had the chance to be both consumers and content creators. Web2 was the era of social media networks and content-sharing web platforms, such as Facebook (now Meta), Instagram, and YouTube.

However, these platforms don’t give the actual content creators ownership of the user-generated content. Instead, all of the content is the platform’s ownership. Hence, Web2 platforms can arbitrarily take down content, ban user accounts, or change the platform’s rules. That’s because these platforms are centralized and adhere to strict rules imposed by their owners.

The Web3 revolution is a game changer for user experience because it gives users ownership over content, data, and assets. Furthermore, Web3 platforms don’t use privately controlled operational mechanisms. Instead, they use blockchain networks to facilitate transactions and carry out daily operations. Web3 introduces countless possibilities, from genuinely owning your money to socializing in a blockchain-powered metaverse. Web3 is still in its infancy, which is why Moralis, the leading enterprise-grade Web3 API provider, is looking to onboard hundreds of thousands of new Web3 developers.

How Web3 Transforms Businesses and Finance

Web3 has tremendous potential for transforming businesses and introducing new operational mechanisms. Traditional business models base their operations on a strict hierarchy and robust, often slow decision-making. On top of this, traditional business models are heavily centralized and use closed networks that aren’t compatible with other platforms. Web3 is shaking things up by introducing decentralized business models using blockchain networks to streamline operational processes. That’s precisely what Web3 developers are doing with thousands of dapps. They are using blockchains to create platforms such as DeFi protocols that offer users much more flexibility than traditional banks. Thanks to decentralized governance models, users and the community have the final word in many of these DeFi protocols.

Getting a loan from a bank can take weeks, and it requires loads of paperwork. With DeFi protocols, users can take out a crypto loan in minutes. Taking out a loan with the help of a DeFi platform doesn’t require any paperwork or giving up sensitive personal information. The process is done by connecting a crypto wallet to a DeFi app and fulfilling the loan requirements.

Additionally, Web3 platforms offer much more services than banks. Users can use a DeFi protocol to stake crypto and earn staking rewards for participating in the network. Users can also lend out their assets and earn interest. There are so many possibilities with Web3 businesses. That’s why more and more startups are embracing Web3 technology and decentralization as the new standard for doing business. Plus, developers are flocking toward Web3 because of the programming flexibility and higher efficiency compared to Web2.

How Can You Benefit from a Web3 Developer Course?

You could benefit from a Web3 developer course for several reasons. The time when Web2 was the pinnacle of internet-based technology is long gone. Sure, you can stay in Web2 as a developer for some time, but the whole industry is undergoing a drastic transformation. There are thousands of Web3 startups emerging, and even numerous Web2 companies are looking to incorporate blockchain technology.

Because of this, Web2 will be obsolete soon, and developers must shift toward Web3 to stay alive. This is one of the key reasons why taking a Web3 developer course is a great idea. You can start learning the skills you’ll need to thrive in the era of Web3 right away and invest in your future.

Web3 is a visionary concept that aims to democratize how people use all types of apps and make their voices heard regarding managing platforms. Although blockchain technology and Web3 are still in their early stages, more and more users are choosing to interact with dapps in various Web3 ecosystems. Thanks to the innovative community governance methods and numerous services offered by these dapps, the number of Web3 users will continue to rise. While Web3 is primarily present in the DeFi sector today, innovative blockchain projects are expanding Web3 into various other sectors, such as gaming, data storage, and cloud computing. Taking a Web3 developer course is the start of a journey to make you part of this exciting new era. At Moralis Academy, you can learn everything from how to make a Web3 website to developing dapps.

Crypto newcomers might be overwhelmed by the numerous terms commonly used when speaking about Web3. That’s why it’s a good idea to go through the crypto terminology guide from Moralis Academy.

Web3 Developer Courses at Moralis Academy

If you decide to take a Web3 developer course, Moralis Academy offers a great selection of Web3 developer courses. Classes at Moralis Academy cover all the critical aspects of Web3 development. At the academy, you have a one-stop shop for developer courses focusing on Web3 at your disposal. That said, let’s do a brief overview of some of these courses!

We have the perfect course covering all the basics if you want to learn more about Ethereum smart contract programming. Furthermore, Ethereum is the most prominent blockchain ecosystem for launching dapps. Hence, learning how to launch smart contracts on Ethereum is incredibly useful for all Web3 developers. After completing the Ethereum Smart Contract Programming course, you’ll know how to launch your smart contracts – the building blocks behind dapps. Moreover, take the Ethereum 101 course to understand the Ethereum ecosystem clearly.

The JavaScript Programming 101 course is another beneficial course for any aspiring Web3 developer. Although JavaScript is primarily a Web2 programming language, it’s also a great starting point for developers looking to learn Web3 programming languages such as Solidity. 

Moralis Academy has many valuable courses to help you embark on your Web3 journey and become a proficient Web3 developer! 

Why Take a Web3 Developer Course – Summary

Web3 is here to stay. This new iteration of the internet is pushing boundaries and introducing unprecedented levels of interconnectivity and decentralization. Furthermore, Web3 uses blockchain technology and new programming languages for developing decentralized applications. The industry is still in its early stages. Hence, now is an excellent time to dive into Web3 and become a Web3 developer. Moreover, every Web3 developer must understand how to build a decentralized application from scratch. Fortunately, Moralis has a great tutorial that can help you build a dapp in three easy steps.

By taking a Web3 developer course, you’ll kickstart your blockchain journey and begin learning highly sought-after skills.