The data is in, and careers in crypto are booming! Anyone watching the financial markets knows that the global economy is roaring back with the surge of COVID-19 vaccine availability, and the crypto industry is leading the vanguard. Specifically, crypto firms have been on a hiring spree the past six months, and demand for crypto talent far outstrips the available labor supply. As such, there has never been a better time to kickstart your crypto career! Read on for a full breakdown of why now is the perfect time to seek a job in crypto. In fact, embarking on a career in crypto could not only land you a six-figure salary, but it’s also one of the hottest industries around.
As such, you can get in on the ground level for the next big thing. For example, a recent Bloomberg video suggests crypto could create more jobs than the advent of the internet did. With companies waging war for crypto talent, it’s genuinely a jobseeker’s market (that’s you!).
Moreover, seeing as the blockchain and crypto industry is still an emerging sector, companies don’t require employees to have decades of experience. Instead, you can easily land a job in crypto even if you haven’t worked in the industry before!
Read on and we’ll show you how to land a career in crypto, and how Ivan on Tech Academy could help supercharge your job search.
Do I Need a Degree for a Career in Crypto?
So, you might be wondering, “do I need a degree for a career in crypto?” Well, the good news is that you don’t! In fact, many careers in crypto do not require anything like a computer science degree. Seeing as the sector is still so new, companies are on the lookout for new employees with wildly different backgrounds—the important thing is to have the right mindset. Naturally, you’ll need some basic understanding of blockchain and crypto, which you’ll be able to get in a matter of days with Ivan on Tech Academy.
Finding the Right Career in Crypto
Now that you know there’s no degree required and that you can learn everything you need to know at Ivan on Tech Academy, let’s look at some specific careers out there.
Careers in Crypto – Writer
Crypto-based companies are always looking for experienced writers to keep investor interest fueled with new content. As you already guessed, this job requires expertise in writing.
Also, since the world’s business language is English, you’ll need to master English unless you plan on limiting yourself to a smaller audience niche. The good news about writing is, it doesn’t matter if Americans think you have a funny accent. As long as you can write, you’re golden!
Furthermore, it’s one thing to learn for yourself; it’s another to publicly broadcast that knowledge to others. That’s what makes writing an excellent way to start your career in crypto. Writing content is a form of teaching, so you must educate yourself on a subject before putting it out there for others. The added pressure to “get it right” will force you to dig deeper into a topic.
Below are the three main types of writing careers in crypto:
1. Blog Writer
To write blog articles, you must know how to research a subject, collect and sift the necessary information, and organize it into a well-constructed piece.
Grammarly and Yoast SEO will become your best friends, but proper grammar and keyword targeting will only get you so far. If you want to excel, your writing needs to be well organized with a natural flow. After all, crypto articles can be complicated enough to read without the writer bouncing around in a disorganized manner.
2. Technical Writer
If you pursue a technical writing career in crypto, you’ll likely be writing company manuals and white papers that are often 20 to 50 pages long. Another thing to note is that a portion of your reading audience will consist of developers expecting a greater degree of technical expertise.
3. Tech Journalist
This type of writing skews towards traditional journalism, so you’ll need to stay abreast of the latest breaking news in the cryptoverse. Your articles won’t have to be as long as blog content. However, you may need to “get the scoop” before the competition, which means you’ll need insider contacts and interviewing skills.
Benefits of Crypto Writing
Learning to communicate effectively will help you in any career in crypto, and writing is a great way to start. Even the great Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, started as a writer for Bitcoin Magazine. If you’re interested in writing, you’ll need to learn the crypto basics.
Ivan on Tech Academy Learning Path for Writers:
Crypto For Beginners > Blockchain & Bitcoin 101 > Ethereum 101
Vitalik Buterin
Careers in Crypto – Research Analyst
To become a Crypto Asset Research Analyst, you’ll need to collect, organize, and analyze information to elevate your audience’s understanding of specific assets, protocols, and networks. Besides investors, you’ll also be researching for entrepreneurs, traders, business professionals, and builders.
To work as an analyst in traditional finance usually requires one to be a certified public accountant (CPA) or possess a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certification. At the very least, the hiring company will want to see a bachelor’s degree in a related field.
You won’t necessarily need the degree for a career in crypto as a research analyst. However, you must understand the blockchain and the protocols operating on top of it. Also, to hit the ground running, it helps to be financially savvy, have expertise in Excel and writing SQL queries, and be familiar with financial modeling.
If you’re interested in becoming a Crypto Research Analyst, check out the learning path below:
Ivan on Tech Academy Learning Path for Research Analysts:
Crypto For Beginners > Blockchain & Bitcoin 101 > Ethereum 101 > DeFi 101 > DeFi 201
Careers in Crypto – Marketing & Business Development
Crypto companies need business development professionals to help shape their services depending on market demand. It’s important for professionals from this sector making the transition to understand the use cases of blockchain technology.
Being able to bandy about trendy blockchain buzzwords is one thing, but what matters is knowing what the blockchain brings to relevant businesses. The good news is, if you already have a degree (or relevant experience) in business and finance, all you need to do is learn the blockchain.
Ivan on Tech Academy Learning Path for Business Development:
Crypto For Beginners > Blockchain & Bitcoin 101 > Ethereum 101 > Blockchain Business Masterclass
Careers in Crypto – Blockchain Developer
Technical skills are a must if you want a career in crypto as a developer. For example, at a bare minimum, you’ll need to know Solidity if you’re going to work on the Ethereum blockchain or build dApps. The Vyper programming language is making inroads as well but is not as widely used.
Moreover, if a company is transitioning to Web 3.0, they will want you to know Solidity and the traditional front-end web development trio of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Knowledge of related libraries and frameworks such as React.js and Next.js may also be helpful along with the popular smart contract frameworks.
Requirements will vary, but knowing JavaScript and Solidity can take you far. If you don’t know any programming languages yet, start with JavaScript before moving on to Solidity. If you already know Python, you’ll be more comfortable learning Vyper.
Now, if you want a real jump on the competition, look into Web 3.0 development with Moralis.
If you want to become a blockchain developer, Ivan on Tech Academy is the place for you. There are numerous classes offered from beginning to advanced.
Ivan on Tech Academy Learning Path for Developers:
Crypto For Beginners > Blockchain & Bitcoin 101 > Ethereum 101 > JavaScript Programming for Blockchain Developers > Ethereum Smart Contract Programming 101 > Ethereum Smart Contract Programming 201 > (Optional: React Web Development 101, Bitcoin Programming 101, C++ Programming for Blockchain Developers)
Careers in Crypto – Smart Contract Auditor
This job is in high demand, particularly with new DeFi protocols getting hacked each week. There are some talented hackers with extensive smart contract knowledge out there looking for quick profits. So, you’ll have to be a seasoned developer if you hope to stop them.
If you think you’ve got what it takes to battle some of the world’s most sophisticated hackers, smart contract security can be a lucrative career in crypto for you. However, this job will require experience. You’ll need to know how to write smart contracts on Ethereum and be familiar with the various tools auditors use. Furthermore, a background in security is generally preferred.
Ivan on Tech Academy Learning Path for Smart Contract Security:
Crypto For Beginners > Blockchain & Bitcoin 101 > Ethereum 101 > JavaScript Programming for Blockchain Developers > Ethereum Smart Contract Programming 101 > Ethereum Smart Contract Programming 201 > Ethereum Smart Contract Security
Other Careers in Crypto
While the positions we covered require a specific skill set, softer skills are also needed for careers in crypto. For example, even large enterprises like JP Morgan and Walmart are experimenting with new blockchain initiatives where non-tech people are in demand.
Candidates with soft skills such as creativity, communication, and problem-solving who are self-motivated, entrepreneurial, and can play well with others are a part of the hiring conversation.
So, if you’re ready for a career in crypto, think about how your current job title could position you. Whether you’re in Human Resources, Sales, Law, or Customer Service, your previous work experience can translate into new opportunities.
For more information on careers in crypto, make sure to enroll at Ivan on Tech Academy and watch The Essential Blockchain Job Search Guide.
The Path to a Career in Crypto
You can take many paths to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for a crypto career. Unfortunately, if you choose the wrong one, you’ll end up chasing your tail and spending a lot of money. Now that you know about the main crypto careers, let’s look at a suggested learning path that entails learning, practice, and showcasing your skills.
1. Online Learning
In the past, the best jobs required a degree from a top university. However, with the arrival of the high-tech industry and the convenience of the internet, learning online has proven itself to be a more efficient and cost-effective way to go. With so many choices, the biggest challenge nowadays is finding suitable online courses to take.
You could bounce around from tutorial to tutorial trying to learn crypto, but you risk wasting loads of time and getting stuck in what’s called “tutorial hell” if you do that. That’s why you should check out the course list at Ivan on Tech Academy. Each class is specifically tailored to meet the needs of those looking for a career in crypto. The best part is that everything is in one place, so students no longer need to waste time scouring the internet hoping to luck out.
2. Practice What You Learn
Learning online will require you to watch lots of tutorials. But if all you do is watch, you’re not learning. You’ll want to practice what you’ve learned, so it sinks in.
This aspect is what I liked about taking the JavaScript course at Ivan on Tech Academy. I had to write code and participate in the community forum to complete my homework assignments. I found this to be a superior learning experience to passively watching tutorials.
3. Show Me Don’t Tell Me
There are all sorts of careers in crypto, and having a good resume and excelling in talking about yourself in job interviews helps. But if you’re specifically interested in becoming an Ethereum blockchain developer, you can let your code speak for itself by building decentralized applications (dApps) to show potential employers.
When I took the Solidity course at Ivan on Tech Academy, we had to actually build a dApp. Building an application is one of the best ways to learn new coding skills and to show off your work.
However, as you now know, not all crypto jobs require writing code.
Building an on-Chain Resume
Hiring a lousy fit costs companies loads of money each year. That’s why we’re likely to see the importance of the CV wane in the coming years and more emphasis placed on portfolios and projects. After all, some candidates are excellent at making first impressions in job interviews and embellishing their resumes.
So, why not start a historical record of your transactions by setting up your Ethereum address as your on-chain resume? Okay, so if you’ve made some investments you’d prefer to keep private, you can start a separate wallet address that you use to show prospective employers.
After all, the blockchain doesn’t lie. So, you’ll be much more convincing as a job candidate if you have hands-on experience with the various protocols.
You can start building your on-chain resume by buying NFTs, lending on Aave, yield farming, or earning tokens with a Yearn.finance vault. The possibilities are endless, and you can align them with your interests and job prospects.
If the future of work ends up being on-chain like some think it will be, you’ll already be ahead of the game. Remember, it all starts with acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills, and the place to start is Ivan on Tech Academy. Enroll today!
Author: MIndFrac