The past few years have seen an explosion in the demand for blockchain engineers and developers. However, the blockchain boom is creating a problem. The demand for blockchain engineers is far higher than the available supply. Traditionally, colleges and universities are the types of places people enroll to prepare themselves for entering a specific career. Nevertheless, the blockchain industry is emerging so rapidly few universities have had the time to keep up, and there are still few blockchain classes available in traditional schools.
With that said, there are now many new options emerging for those looking to take blockchain classes. Most notably, the online education field is heating up, and the best blockchain classes are available online. Taking online blockchain classes is a perfect match for those looking to learn more. First and foremost, the blockchain field is all about digital technology. As such, it makes sense to learn about it in a digital context.
Additionally, the blockchain technology field is rapidly changing. Consequently, traditional colleges and universities are struggling to keep up on the subject – if they even offer courses on it at all. As such, it is a logical choice to take blockchain classes online.
Furthermore, it is clear that the blockchain field is hotter than ever. LinkedIn recently named blockchain the number one hard skill for 2020. What’s more, companies are putting their money where the demand is, and are currently on a blockchain programmer hiring spree. The only thing standing between you and becoming one of these highly sought-after blockchain programmers is taking some blockchain classes.

How to Take Blockchain Classes Online
What’s more, taking blockchain classes online is easier than it sounds. While traditional sources of education can be hard to enroll in, online classes are far easier. Put simply, the only thing you need to do in order to begin taking online blockchain classes is choosing the right online academy.
This allows you to educate yourself virtually from anywhere you prefer. In addition to this, you can make sure to choose an online blockchain education that is far more personalized to what you actually want to study than traditional education. Are you tired of paying exorbitant fees for the privilege to take classes at a university that don’t really add anything to your knowledge of the subject? If that is the case, you should explore taking blockchain classes online.

Everything you need is a device and a subscription to a qualitative blockchain academy. The advent of the internet has made it easier than ever to be able to connect to top-notch content from around the world. In fact, many of the blockchain engineers that are making headlines around the world area either partly or entire self-taught. Consequently, there is nothing saying that you couldn’t also take blockchain classes online and improve your blockchain game.
Image if you had been a programmer during the early days of the internet, or a mobile application developer a little over a decade ago. The blockchain field is just getting started – and those who get in now will likely have a great opportunity to find career paths working with blockchain.
Choices for Online Blockchain Classes
There are many different options for those looking to attend an online blockchain course. However, it can be hard to navigate this potentially hazardous industry. Many different online schools give empty promises and cannot deliver on the types of courses they offer to students. As such, it is worth taking some time out to look at the different blockchain classes options available. As such, users are able to see how various academies fulfill their various needs.
For example, blockchain courses from Coursera are relatively popular on Google. However, this exposes the drawbacks with choosing an average online academy to take blockchain classes. As Coursera is an academy focusing on a wide variety of different topics, countless of them without any relevant connection to blockchain technology, this threatens to give students generalized blockchain descriptions without practical applications or with little relevance to landing a blockchain job.
Instead, one should naturally attempt to join an online academy that specializes in blockchain technology for taking blockchain classes. This is very natural – just like you would prefer to take cooking lessons from someone who is a chef rather than a generic teacher, or learn football from a player rather than someone who doesn’t know the subject. Parallels to this can clearly be seen in the blockchain academy field.

Traditional online academies that begin offering blockchain courses without properly understanding what they are teaching or why will likely fail. These massive website profiting from courses, such as Coursera or Udemy, become a sort of ”jack of all trades, master of none”. Instead, those who are looking to enroll in blockchain classes to actually learn something, and not just add a term to their resume, should look at a blockchain academy with real experience of blockchain development.
Blockchain Development Classes
This means that the most successful blockchain development classes are those being taught by experts on blockchain technology. One example of this is Ivan on Tech Academy, one of the largest blockchain academies available. Enrolling in Ivan on Tech Academy means you’ll have access to some of the best educational blockchain content in the world. Moreover, you will join roughly 20,000 existing Ivan on Tech Academy alumni.
One important reason as to why Ivan on Tech Academy is the premier source of successful blockchain development classes is the width of available courses. Without making any sacrifices in regard to quality, Ivan on Tech Academy offers dozens of in-depth courses. These range from beginner classes, such as Blockchain & Bitcoin 101 or History of Bitcoin and Money, to a Blockchain Business Masterclass and an extensive course explaining decentralized finance, or why DeFi 101 is.

Nevertheless, these examples are far from all the blockchain classes available on Ivan on Tech Academy. Rather, there is a veritable plethora of various blockchain development classes. Aside from courses focusing on developers, such as a comprehensive suite of EOS Programming classes and Ethereum Game Programming options, there are also other alternatives. These range from fairly technical ones, such as C++ Programming for Blockchain Developers, to more fundamental ones explaining how to search for a blockchain job or understanding algorithmic trading.
Additionally, blockchain development classes are a great way to get into the world of blockchain. Are you tired of just hearing about blockchain technology on the news and being jealous of those raking in eye-watering developer salaries? Do something about it and help build something instead! You are just one quick blockchain class away from starting your blockchain career through Ivan on Tech Academy. What are you waiting for?
Get Your Blockchain Certification Today!
Importantly, Ivan on Tech Academy offers a world-class certificate to any student that manages to graduate successfully. This document can be necessary if you apply for blockchain-related jobs in the future. Most employers require some for of blockchain certification, and Ivan on Tech Academy will be happy to validate your certificate once you graduate.
Furthermore, you can get your next blockchain certificate any time you successfully finish a course and pass all the relevant assignments, quizzes and homeworks. This is a great tool both for students and future employers. Students are able to demonstrate their knowledge of certain areas, and employers will not just have to take their word for it.
Moreover, it is also worth mentioning that Ivan on Tech Academy is home to numerous real-world blockchain success stories. What’s more, you don’t even have to have a background in programming to be successful with Academy.

For example, consider the example of Giovanni. Giovanni was keen to expand his knowledge of blockchain technology. After he started taking classes at the Academy, Giovanni got sufficient experience to change his career trajectory. This made Giovanni able to become the Head of Blockchain at the telecommunications giant Ericsson. What’s more, this is not a one-off event. Ivan on Tech Academy has numerous examples of real-life success stories.
Another notable story is that of Peto. After enrolling in the Academy – to learn more about Ethereum Programming – he was eventually hired by IBM. Juliana, on the other hand, had no programming experience. However, this did not stop her from joining the Academy. The knowledge gained from enrolling in the Academy made her able to land a full-time job as a blockchain developer.
Why Take Blockchain Classes Right Now?
The primary reason to taking blockchain classes right now is that it means you’ll be able to take part in the blockchain revolution. Another attractive reason for why one should begin taking blockchain classes is that blockchain developers are in extremely high demand.
Blockchain is seen as a crucial future sector, and companies are requesting far more blockchain developers than those currently available. A result of this is that the blockchain developer salary is higher than it has ever been. In fact, becoming a blockchain developer is one of the best ways to increase your software engineer salary.
This all means that the time is now ripe for various people to enter the blockchain field. This is, naturally, most easily done through enrolling in a blockchain academy such as Ivan on Tech Academy and taking blockchain classes. Seeing that this academy is online-based means that people can learn more about blockchain from the comfort of their own home, on a time of their choosing. As such, it opens up more opportunities for spreading blockchain technology awareness.

So, the simply answer to the question ”why take blockchain classes right now” is that now is the perfect time. Working remotely has never been as popular, and studying remotely is naturally no different. What’s more, the infrastructure now exists – in Ivan on Tech Academy – to get a world-class blockchain education online. Additionally, perhaps the most important factor of why one should choose Ivan on Tech Academy is that it does not require any prior knowledge.
Consequently, those who enroll in blockchain classes using Ivan on Tech Academy can go from zero to blockchain hero. What are you waiting for? Check out the blockchain courses available on Ivan on Tech Academy and find the ones that interest you the most right now!
Blockchain Classes Summary
Moreover, you may wonder if Ivan on Tech Academy is the right choice for you. If you appreciate learning about blockchain from people who are actually experts in blockchain, rather than generic online teachers, then Ivan on Tech Academy has the online blockchain classes for you. Additionally, the platform also comes with a wide variety of tools to help you keep your learning on track.
The site offers the ability to get a personalized study plan and a personal study counselor. Furthermore, it features on-demand access across platforms, meaning you can study when and where you want, using any device.
As such, you can feel confident that you are not just enrolling in classes that will look good on your resume. Instead, you will be able to actually gain the necessary skills to compete for high-paying blockchain developer jobs in the future.
Furthermore, Ivan on Tech Academy is relatively unique in that it does not require students to have any prior knowledge of programming. This means that the blockchain classes are beginner friendly – but there are also many paths to deeper knowledge with advanced classes. In addition to this, the Academy is also using proven methods to teach students about blockchain technology. This includes everything from quizzes to workshops and assignments, in order for everyone to be able to learn the way they prefer to.
Finally, all the classes available seek to provide real-world experience and practical knowledge. The goal is not for you to memorize a million different formulas, or learn useless knowledge that looks good on paper but that you will never use in real life. As such, a great blockchain class should be just like a great class on anything else; contain the things you need to learn and feature great educational tools!