If you have stumbled across this page looking to learn more about the different kinds of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency courses available, welcome – you have come to the right place!

Ivan on Tech Academy is the largest online blockchain education platform offering a broad range of certified courses that can equip a beginner with zero programming, computer science, or engineering experience, into becoming a professional full-stack blockchain developer within months. In fact, Ivan on Tech Academy is one of the most comprehensive blockchain academy platforms available anywhere in the world. 

Depending on your time and energy commitment, Ivan on Tech Academy can train you to be an industry-ready programmer in as little as 12 weeks. The Academy is also an ideal place to gain certifications in cryptocurrency and blockchain alongside your current position, setting you up to go full-time crypto in the future.

Ivan on Tech Academy is for anyone wanting to work in blockchain or cryptocurrency, it is not just limited to developers. At the beginning of your journey, it can often be difficult to know where to start. For this reason, you have the option of a personalized study plan when signing up for the professional package with the Academy.

It can vary depending on your experience and desired outcomes from the Academy, the suggested courses, and the order of completion.

In this article, we will review and inform you of the best cryptocurrency courses for beginners, covering a variety of different options with which you may want to start with.

Why Work in Blockchain and Crypto

Blockchain technology is currently the number one in-demand hard skill according to LinkedIn, after consistently being among the top 5 for the past couple of years.

The demand for blockchain-educated workers is increasing far greater than the supply, so naturally, this results in higher salaried positions. This will only be the case for a limited amount of time however as adoption continues to grow.

Over the next 10-20 years or so, the competition will become much more fierce for blockchain and crypto-based roles.

Having education and certifications in blockchain technology and cryptocurrency automatically puts you in a category of specialized knowledge that very few people currently understand, and as mass adoption continues to grow, so will the recognition of your specialized skill set.

This is an exciting, fast-moving industry with the ethos of making the world a better, fairer, and happier place through decentralization – removing the central organizations and governing bodies from finance.

We are still in the very early stages of the technology, with new start-ups and projects appearing almost daily. There is an ever-growing demand for employment, a job within this sector can offer both career and financial security.

Careers in crypto are not limited to just programmers and developers either, with many different industries exploring potential blockchain integrations, opening up positions in many sectors with a number of diverse roles.

Large crypto-based firms will more likely consider applicants with certified knowledge in the industry in roles such as HR, Marketing, or Customer Service, and this is a great entry point if you’re not a programmer.

Top Cryptocurrency Courses For Beginners

Blockchain & Bitcoin 101


If you’re a complete beginner ready to be educated in the world of crypto, and absolutely no idea where to start, this is the perfect beginner blockchain and Bitcoin course for you. This course gives a solid foundation on the fundamentals of what Bitcoin is and how cryptocurrencies work, with a simple and easy-to-understand approach.

You will gain a deep understanding of how and why this technology is revolutionary, in addition to attaining the tools and education to help you understand and navigate through the cryptocurrency and blockchain landscape in the future.

Due to the specialized information this course offers, the content was once only available to people in the highest management positions of industrial companies through lectures and seminars.

With increasing global demand for blockchain education, this is a great place for anybody to start their crypto journey regardless of experience. Blockchain & Bitcoin 101 is now available on the Ivan on Tech Academy for any member to start learning today.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Benefits of Using Blockchain
  • Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies
  • Functions, Hash Functions, Cryptography
  • Bitcoin Ecosystem – Miners, Wallets, Nodes, SPVs
  • Blockchain Updates & Forks
  • Segwit – Segregated Witness

Why take this course:

This course will be the best foundation to begin your learning about Bitcoin and the blockchain technology that powers it.

The education will give you a solid understanding of the terminology and phrasing, processes, structures and the future of blockchain technology,

Bitcoin Standard


If you want to gain a full understanding of what the future of money looks like, it’s key that you first understand the history of money and currency. What is true value? What is sound money?

Take a look at how money has changed over time in line with technological advancements and societal progression.

Bitcoin is often referred to as ‘digital gold’. As central banks continue to debase fiat currencies and steal the purchasing power from people, it is more important than ever before to learn how to distinguish between ‘good’ money and ‘bad’ money. Bitcoin is an inflation-resistant asset with digitally-provable scarcity, nobody can print more Bitcoin to bail out their friends.

What You’ll Learn:

  • A brief history of money
  • What is money?
  • Gold as money
  • Government money
  • Bitcoin as money

Why Take This Course:

This course will teach you things they don’t teach you in school and outline how you can protect yourself and your family during times of economic uncertainty.

Before you can begin to appreciate the true value of cryptocurrency, it is critical that you gain a broader perspective of why this new technology is so transformative.

This course requires no prior knowledge of economics or finance. If you’re looking for a primer for your financial education then this course is a must!

Ethereum 101


Ethereum is the fastest-growing blockchain ecosystem in the world and this course is perfect for anyone new to blockchain wanting to learn the basic foundations of decentralized networks.

Although this is one of the shorter courses, it is jam-packed full of expert insights into the key fundamentals for the growth and success of Ethereum – e.g. smart contracts, the Ethereum Virtual Machine, ERC20 tokens.

Split into 2 sections, you first learn the Ethereum Introduction before moving on the Ethereum Advanced section.

What You’ll Learn:

Ethereum Introduction:

– Smart Contracts

– EVM, Solidity & Smart Contracts

– Contents of the Ethereum Blockchain

– UTXO vs Account Model – Privacy & Fungibility

Ethereum Advanced:

– Gas

– Token Standards & NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)

– ERC20 – Looking at the code

– Web 3.0 7 Token Economy

Why Take This Course:

Following the completion of this course, will equip you with the tools to further educate yourself in programming on Ethereum should you wish to.

You do not need programming or any prior experience to complete this course, and it is simple enough for anyone to understand who has the desire to learn.

Ethereum Game Programming


Decentralized gaming is a fast-growing industry, with non-fungible tokens creating an exciting dynamic for players to own truly unique in-game assets. The possibilities are endless with Ethereum gaming and it is only just getting started!

In this course, you will gain valuable knowledge to take you to the next level in your crypto and blockchain education. If you are a complete beginner it will be worth completing the Ethereum 101 and JavaScript Programming courses before getting started on the Ethereum Game Programming.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Create a token
  • Integrating ERC-20 tokens with games
  • Deploying a game to a testnet
  • Non-fungible tokens
  • Building an ERC-1155 token
  • Adding ERC-1155 token to game
  • The business case for decentralized gaming

Why You Should Take This Course:

If you have a passion for gaming, programming, and crypto, then this course is for you. Here you can learn about all the latest token standards and how to program and launch your own original games and collectibles.

The knowledge you will gain from this course will put you at the cutting edge of gaming technology.

DeFi 101


This course is a deep dive into the world of Decentralized Finance. Defi is like financial Lego, here you can learn about the different layers of the digital financial stack and how they interoperate with one another to create the many different tools of Defi.

Yield farming has taken the crypto world by storm this year, with decentralized lending and borrowing protocols at the heart of the technology.

This is a step-by-step guide of the fundamental aspects of Defi and a lesson in the potential use cases for open finance.

What You’ll Learn:

  • What is Defi
  • The digital financial stack
  • Defi protocol deep dive

Why Take This Course:

If you want to learn about the different lending and borrowing protocols and how to make your cryptocurrency work for you then read on.

Huge gains have been made in Defi this year, but many people have also gone straight to Rekt City. It’s important to understand what you’re getting into before you bet all your crypto on yield farming and the likes!

Cryptocurrency Courses Conclusion

Becoming certified in blockchain technology and cryptocurrency could be the most valuable investment you could make in your education. Developing a deep understanding of emerging technologies immediately puts you at a competitive advantage to others, and opens up many doors of opportunities you probably didn’t realize could even exist.

If you want to work in the blockchain and crypto space, having a relevant qualification from a reputable education platform will offer you a much better chance of employment than you would have without one.

We are still in the early adoption phases of blockchain technology – it’s only 12 years old. It is set to disrupt many industries on a global scale, as did the internet, so now is the prime time to get involved to get a head start in the industry.

If you’re looking for a new career or re-considering your situation in light of recent times, we strongly urge you to consider educating yourself in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Imagine if you had the chance to learn the fundamentals of the internet and how to build a website in 1994, would you take it?

If the answer is yes, then right now could be a very similar opportunity. With only 1% of the population currently involved in crypto assets, the market size is expected to grow from $380 billion in 2020 to $1,123 trillion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 23.8% during the next 5 years.

Why Study at Ivan on Tech Academy?

You can start today even with zero knowledge of programming, cryptocurrencies, or blockchain. The Ivan on Tech Academy caters to all levels of experience and makes learning a fun, engaging experience through a variety of different mediums.

Structure of the courses

The way the courses are completed is unique and includes being active on the Academy forum, doing research following videos, reading, and even finding the best meme!

This broad learning style is designed to appeal to anyone, regardless of age, gender, experience, etc.

Personalized study plan

Shortly after signing up, you will be asked to complete a few questions about your experience, what you would like to learn, and what you would like to do following completion of the courses.

This then generates the best study plan for you which you can view and monitor on your dashboard of the Academy page.

Student Counselor

If you get stuck or need any blockchain/crypto/Academy related help, then you will have direct email communication access with a student counselor.

Academy Forum

The engagement and interaction with the other students in the Academy is great for enhancing and stimulating your learning. All the courses are completed online right on the Academy, the homework is to be completed by participating in the relevant forum.

It is a great place to meet like-minded new people from all walks of life across the globe, and help each other out and share ideas. You won’t see or feel a part of a community like this if you choose to study cryptocurrency courses elsewhere.